Routine Based Intervention
"Yarran support each child individually as well as in group settings aiming to help children ease into situations with different strategies that work for their needs."
The Routine Based Early Intervention by R A McWilliams:
Is evidence-based.
Focuses on routine-based interventions.
Capitalises on children's learning opportunities afforded to them in daily routines.
Family-centred practice and the transdisciplinary team model.
Functional intervention plans are founded on functional outcomes/goals which are developed from a functional assessment.
Outcomes are the property of the parents who choose them. Parents and teachers are the primary interventionists, so they need to see the need for the outcome and its relevance for the routines in which the intervention will take place.
Outcomes are the focus of the intervention.
Outcomes need to be appropriate and functional.
The Routine Based Interview
Addresses five needs:
Need to identify functional goals or outcomes (target behaviours).
The functionality of child outcomes can be thought of as addressing participation or engagement needs, addressing independence needs and addressing social relationship needs.
Family priorities need to be addressed in the IFSP so outcomes are meaningful to the parent.
Outcomes should be broad to cover a variety of ways but specific enough to know what is really being addressed.
Strategies should aim directly at the functional skill to be developed (teach first).
Process for developing IFSP needs to foster investment by caregivers other than the family i.e. childcare providers in the outcomes
What are Routines?
Routines are not the activities the professional implements with the family.
They are the naturally occurring activities happening with regularity
5 stages
Preparation of the family. They need to think about the routines they have (time of day everyday events and activities).
For each routine families can consider:
What's everyone doing? What's this child doing?
How is your child participating in this activity (engagement)?
"How much does your child do for him- or herself?" (independence)
"How is your child interacting with others at this time? (social relationships)
How satisfactory is this time of day for the family?
Routine Based Early Intervention. Supporting young children and their families, R A Mc William(2010)